A lot will depend on how much space you have, and how you plan on utilizing the Windows 10 installation. Step 4: Adjust the Boot Camp partition size by moving the Windows partition to the desired amount of space. You’ll want to leave enough room for your macOS installation, but you’ll also want to allocate enough storage space for the Windows 10 partition. Subscribe to 9to5Mac on YouTube for more video walkthroughs Step 3: Click the Choose button next to the ISO image box, and select the ISO file downloaded in step 1. Step 2: Once the ISO download is completed, launch Boot Camp Assistant in Applications → Utilities and click Continue. Finally, click the 64-bit Download button to begin the Windows 10 ISO download. Next, select the desired language, and click Confirm.

For Edition, choose Windows 10, and click Confirm. Step 1: Visit Microsoft’s Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File) page.
Check out our full video walkthrough inside for the details. The installation can be a little time consuming, but it is by no means difficult. If you’re interested in installing Windows 10 on your Mac’s internal drive, you can easily do so by means of Microsoft’s Windows 10 ISO download and the macOS Boot Camp Assistant.